
Saturday, February 5, 2011

The "Must Read" Book.

Those who know me know that I am a lot of things.... but an avid reader isn't one of them! I can't say that I've sat down and read many books in the past couple months... or couple years for that matter! Sure, I read my Bible everyday, and things like "The Pokey Little Puppy" with the boys... but an actual adult book just never really intrigued me. UNTIL we bought "Twenty- First Century REVIVAL" by John Goetsch. Wow. It is AWESOME (And awesomely convicting!). He gives so much information on the early churches and revivals throughout history. He also talks about the church history here in America, and the changes America has gone through in the past couple of decades. It is just a really great book, seriously... yall have to read it!!!! I could go on and on all afternoon about it, but I think he honestly says things the best! If ya want to borrow it you can, but I definitely recommend buying it!  :)

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